#warrior 2013-03-25,Mon

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Time Nickname Message
05:28 🔗 trs80 man, formspring is so much faster than posterour
05:37 🔗 GLaDOS soultcer: how's the Amazon AMI coming along?
08:50 🔗 Smiley oi ops
08:50 🔗 Smiley and fix topic
08:50 🔗 Smiley put ami in it
08:51 🔗 Smiley 1c35ad75
08:51 🔗 GLaDOS Whoops, missed the kick button.
08:52 🔗 Smiley :P
08:52 🔗 Smiley http://archive.org/download/archiveteam-warrior/archiveteam-warrior-v2-20121008.ova | AMI for EC2: 1c35ad75
08:52 🔗 Smiley hmmm
08:52 🔗 soultcer That's not going to be very useful until they set the userdata
08:52 🔗 Smiley soultcer: indeed.
08:53 🔗 Smiley I have instructions on my user page on wiki
08:53 🔗 Smiley need to do proper page tho
09:36 🔗 Smiley GLaDOS: as your doing the whole millions of instances thing
09:36 🔗 Smiley you gonna do digital ocean too?
09:37 🔗 GLaDOS Nah
09:37 🔗 GLaDOS Can't be bothered setting it up
09:37 🔗 Smiley :D
09:37 🔗 Smiley apt-get update && apt-get -y install git make python-pip libgnutls-dev liblua5.1-dev && pip install seesaw && git clone https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/yahoomessages-grab.git && cd yahoomessages-grab/ && ./get-wget-lua.sh && run-pipeline pipeline.py --disable-web-server Smiley
09:37 🔗 Smiley Now, are you going to do it?
09:37 🔗 GLaDOS eh, cbf
09:37 🔗 Smiley :D
09:37 🔗 Smiley fair enough
09:37 🔗 * GLaDOS launches 50 more AMIs
09:38 🔗 Smiley :D
09:38 🔗 Smiley dude, too much $$$ you have.
09:38 🔗 soultcer Does DIgital ocean support custom images?
09:38 🔗 soultcer Joyent doesn't and it's kind of annoying
09:38 🔗 GLaDOS I have about 100AUD to spend
09:38 🔗 GLaDOS DO supports personal images.
09:38 🔗 GLaDOS Doesn't have a database of global ones though.
09:39 🔗 GLaDOS I think
09:56 🔗 Smiley http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=ArchiveTeam_Warrior#Warrior_FAQ
09:56 🔗 Smiley Anymore FAQ's?
09:56 🔗 Smiley I'd added the ones which appeared this weekend.
13:14 🔗 codec hi
13:24 🔗 codec hmm.. i think my VMs kinda crash on the formspring project.. at least the websocket stuff breaks. how can i verify it still works on tasks?
13:32 🔗 Cameron_D I've noticed the same issue
13:33 🔗 Cameron_D I'm running the formspring project standalone and after an hour the web interface dies so I'd guess that it is specific to that project
13:34 🔗 sep332 my warrior process got OOM-killed over the weekend
13:34 🔗 sep332 strange
13:36 🔗 sep332 pretty sure it was running on yahoo messages. what does it even keep in RAM?
13:43 🔗 ersi You're most likely not running Y! M anymore, if you were running ArchiveTeams choice - you've been moved over to Formspring project
13:44 🔗 ersi Maybe the Formspring items are bigger, taking more memory per wget and OOMing. I havn't looked into it though.
14:04 🔗 sep332 i have no problem bumping up the ram on the vm, but didn't expect it to need a lot
14:06 🔗 ersi Don't take my word for it - I'd advise you to log on to the Warrior and check top
14:06 🔗 ersi You could also run lesser threads (If it's lack of memory)
14:08 🔗 sep332 ok, i'll keep an eye on them
14:12 🔗 codec hmm, i'll add some ram as well
15:14 🔗 codec ersi: sep332: works fine with 4g ram, btw
15:15 🔗 Smiley II have like 6 gb ram on mine ¬_¬
15:15 🔗 Smiley not ideal for testing ;D
15:15 🔗 ersi Default is 476MB or something like that. Just check if any wget process is taking hundreds of MB's in RAM
17:50 🔗 tcv Hope someone can help...
17:51 🔗 tcv I've been running Warrior all weekend. First time running it. (VirtualBox / Win7x64). Twice now I've found the web interface to be unresponsive after many hours of running the warrior. Problem is in all web browsers. Restarting the VM allows me back into the web UI, but? that's not ideal. Is there a grace way to recover and resolve the problem?
18:51 🔗 ersi tcv: You're running "The ArchiveTeam's choice"-project, right?
18:51 🔗 tcv Yes.
18:52 🔗 tcv BTW: I've since looked at the IRC logs and found that some others were reporting this problem and they suggested increasing the VM's RAM, which I've done.
18:52 🔗 tcv Using top, I found two wget processes each consuming over 100MB each.
18:52 🔗 ersi that's not necessarily a solution, that's merely a theory
18:52 🔗 ersi Hm
18:53 🔗 tcv @esri I hear you.
18:54 🔗 ersi I'll fire up an warrior instance and let it run (I mostly run the project code stand-alone) and look into the matter
18:54 🔗 tcv Thanks.
18:55 🔗 tcv Upping the RAM also meant I had to restart the VM. So, I've been running ? about two hours now? I'll let it run through the day and night. (Very happy to be helping to archive Item "HelloKittyPorn.")
18:57 🔗 ersi haha, zing
18:57 🔗 ersi Thanks for helping out and testing it out :) It's appreciated
18:58 🔗 tcv I am seeing an occasional error that states??
18:59 🔗 tcv "lua runtime error: formspring.lua:311: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil).
19:00 🔗 tcv Seems rare. Perhaps tied to a particular a formspring username? Dunno. Just guessing.
19:01 🔗 ersi hm~ I'll keep an eye out for it :)
19:01 🔗 tcv What's the underlying web server software? I was wondering if I could restart that if I get into that UI freeze again...?
19:06 🔗 ersi tcv: It's integrated with the project code - easiest way is probably just restart the warrior (though you can kill the software and start it again if you'd like)
19:07 🔗 tcv ersi: Would killing the software remove all of the downloaded stuff to-date? I'm hoping for a way to recover without jettisoning all the work done so-far.
19:13 🔗 ersi Yes and no, it would still be there - but not worked on more, so effectively yes :P
19:14 🔗 ersi (Old data gets removed on warrior boot, if any orphan data is there)'
19:20 🔗 tcv ersi: So maybe just best to recycle the VM.
19:25 🔗 ersi just a reboot works fine if it's stuck :)
19:25 🔗 ersi could always tail/less the wget.log and see if it's still working though
19:41 🔗 zenpho howdy doo! can anyone offer advice on how to configure a warrior to connect thru a proxy? I tried (briefly) today to run the warrior whilst connected to my university internet connection - but the rsync uploading phase seemed to fail. Unfortunately I forget the exact error text but I definitely remember a connection timeout.
19:44 🔗 zenpho The university proxy behaviour seems unusual to me. It rejects unless you have given your username/password in a webbrowser. I beleive requests are apparently redirected
19:46 🔗 ersi We got that here in Uppsala University, Sweden
19:46 🔗 zenpho ...I believe HTTP requests are simply responded to with the authentication page, and other requests are rejected until you have successfully authenticated
19:46 🔗 ersi but the warrior will use your regular connection. so if you authenticate with your laptop - that should work for the warrior
19:46 🔗 ersi the network is 'bridged' by default
19:47 🔗 zenpho Today I was trying to set the env var RSYNC_PROXY using the /etc/security/pam_env.conf
19:47 🔗 zenpho yes, that's what I was thinking - perhaps I could set "bridged" mode instead of "NAT" mode - and authenticate inside the guest os
19:48 🔗 ersi oh, oops. I meant NATed
19:48 🔗 ersi NATed > bridged in this case
19:48 🔗 zenpho or do you mean the opposite? use my host os browser to authenticate and let the guest os piggy back onto the connection?
19:49 🔗 ersi yeah
19:49 🔗 ersi Or did that not work?
19:49 🔗 zenpho I believe HTTP connections were being made by the guest os when I tried using my host os browser to authenticate, but rsync upload was definitely failing
19:51 🔗 ersi rsync's using ssh I think, maybe your university got that blocked :o
19:51 🔗 zenpho I can try again tomorrow and give more details about the error messages etc when I have a bit more time... was almost hoping this was a problem someone here had seen before and there might be a (relatively) easy solution
19:52 🔗 ersi I know someone has been running the warrior through TOR
19:52 🔗 ersi so it's definately possible, just no write up that I know of
19:52 🔗 zenpho It would not surprise me if the university proxy blocked everything but port 80
19:53 🔗 ersi me neither
19:53 🔗 zenpho it's interesting you mention rsync and ssh
19:55 🔗 zenpho I know I can connect to my home machine via ssh - but only if I use an unusual port number (not 22)
19:56 🔗 ersi probably port blocked then :) Simplest way to block stuff
19:58 🔗 zenpho its a crazy (silly) hack and I don't blame you if you say "nope - not gonna happen" but maybe a workaround for those behind paranoid-university proxies like mine would be for someone at the archive team to run an rsync server on a different port
19:59 🔗 ersi sounds like having some 'proxy settings page' would be far the easiest
19:59 🔗 zenpho of course, that might not be necessary - i might have just done something silly today - like I say, i'll try again tomorrow.
19:59 🔗 ersi it's certainly good to know that people have these kinds of problems though
20:00 🔗 zenpho thanks for your thoughts ersi, i'm sure i'll bug you or someone else here again tomorrow
20:01 🔗 zenpho I'd really like to use that phat university pipe to help out! ;o)
20:01 🔗 ersi no problem
20:01 🔗 ersi and be gentle with shared resources like uni lines :)
20:02 🔗 zenpho yes I will, I will tweak the downlaod speed down during office hours
20:03 🔗 zenpho I mean both download and upload speed
20:03 🔗 ersi goodie :)
20:18 🔗 tcv ersi: Just another observation. I've noticed that the hang-up in the web UI happens well after 12 hours. I should be able to give you an up-time if it happens again after the RAM increase.
