#warrior 2013-04-28,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
00:00 🔗 omf_ I am already working on it
00:00 🔗 omf_ right after I finish bashing this upload script around
00:13 🔗 shaqfu It works \o/
00:13 🔗 shaqfu Downloading a spam POsterous now :P But it's doing its job
00:17 🔗 shaqfu And uploaded, and on the leaderboard \o/
00:18 🔗 shaqfu Going to let it run with 2 jobs at once for the night. When I get back I'll see if it made it through
17:35 🔗 [1]shaqfu Hm - loads of "downloads failed"
17:36 🔗 [1]shaqfu Is there any way to get more detailed logs of jobs?
