[13:17] SmileyG: Is there anything to see with Alt+F2? [13:18] (tty2) [13:30] 01[13warrior-code201] 15alard merged 06master into 06development: 02https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/warrior-code2/compare/4d2001d32eb6...0b03092b7c7f [13:30] 01[13warrior-code201] 15alard merged 06development into 06master: 02https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/warrior-code2/compare/4d2001d32eb6...0b03092b7c7f [13:36] (That's a fix for something else, probably not the respawning problem.) [13:46] 15:23 <@ersi> Howlin1: If you log on your warrior and go to screen/tty2 (Alt+F2) - is there anything there? [13:46] 15:32 < Howlin1> Yea http://i.imgur.com/ODbVpX4.png [13:48] alard: I don't have hte issue myself yet D: [13:50] Seems to be a HTTP 599 Timeout error thrown somewhere [13:51] that might be causing the init 2 respawning too fast [13:55] And the Warrior ID is wrong. [13:55] Indeed [14:11] It's probably failing here: https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/seesaw-kit/blob/master/seesaw/warrior.py#L269-L316 [14:12] that looks very likely, especially since there's nothing done if it's not HTTP 200 [14:14] I don't understand why you'd get the exception *and* the else, though. http://i.imgur.com/ODbVpX4.png [14:16] hmm [14:17] That could be a tornado thing. [15:54] urgh [15:54] problem persists [15:54] could you just push a downgrade? [15:57] #BurnTheMessenger is over it seems [15:58] topic is old [15:58] also, omfg botnet idea is best idea [15:58] told you guys ;) [16:02] hneio: A downgrade of what? We don't know what's breaking - hard to know what to "downgrade" then [16:02] a few versions of the script ago [16:02] it was working until recently [16:03] in fact, it broke overnight, while the warrior was running [16:03] Like I said, it's not that simple. There's not a "single" script. [16:03] revert all changes in the past 48 hours [16:04] Are you experiancing the same things as Howlin1? [16:04] yes [16:04] Have you checked tty2? Also getting HTTP 599 Timeouts? [16:04] http://i.imgur.com/QDXN3A8.png [16:05] don't think any HTTP 599's [16:05] but there was a fatal HTTP failure [16:05] before it successfully pulled from github [16:06] It'd be great having that failure [16:06] http://i.imgur.com/0dG6jOU.png [16:06] Was that from bootup? [16:07] Because the network takes time to establish, and it'll fail to update a few times - it'll retry to update the warrior and project code on bootup, until it has a network connection and done it successfully [16:07] I actually get to the splash screen [16:08] then the splash screen goes away and I get the init error [16:10] I'm not sure if it helps/matters, but the warrior crashes and gives me that 'init: id 2 error' if I try work on the formspring project, but it doesn't if I work on the posterous one. [16:11] hmm [16:11] That might be good to know [16:11] interesting [16:11] hneio: You doing formspring as well? [16:11] I was [16:11] it was archiveteam choice [16:11] Yeah [16:16] ok, I wiped the warrior [16:16] let [16:16] let's see if I can get URLTeam to work [16:17] or posterous etc [16:17] I think it was an error in the Formspring project. I fixed one now, anyway: https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/formspring-grab/commit/761d2d21cdb5f19d96e6a1cd68131b6048b0803b [16:17] So try formsping again? [16:18] Yes. [16:18] it's definitely a Formspring problem [16:18] (Or ArchiveTeam's choice.) [16:18] no init errors with URLTeam [16:18] I see warriors on the Formspring tracker now, there weren't any before. [16:18] That works for me now. [16:20] \o/ [16:20] Yea formspring works now, thanks :) [16:20] I'm completely rate-limited, i.e. doing no work on Formspring, but there aren't any init errors [16:22] Just let it run for a while. All the warriors are coming back now and requesting items at the same time. [16:28] I figured [16:28] hmph [16:28] I wonder if I lost my work on Palleman [16:28] it was like 10 GB [16:31] i was on like 5bg with one person...oh well [16:31] seems like uploads are done as one chunk at the end of the item [16:31] so yeah, that work is lost