#warrior 2013-05-21,Tue

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Time Nickname Message
10:46 🔗 hneio can't upload from saved warriors
10:46 🔗 hneio I get BS like this
10:46 🔗 hneio Item jhowcopatti: Step 7 of 8 164587440 51% 59.27MB/s 0:00:02
10:47 🔗 hneio I don't even get a d/l speed at half that
10:47 🔗 Frowny o_O
10:47 🔗 hneio also, that item has been up for 2 days
10:47 🔗 hneio and there's no actual upload activity
10:47 🔗 Smiley no clue whats going on there :/
10:47 🔗 Smiley you got the window up?
10:48 🔗 hneio Item Merzabaeva: Step 7 of 8 1163790984 75% 62.33MB/s 0:00:05
10:48 🔗 Smiley hit alt-F2, login, ifdown eth0; ifup eth0
10:48 🔗 hneio g2g
10:50 🔗 hneio nvm, still here
10:51 🔗 hneio how do i login?
10:53 🔗 ersi hneio: alt+left if you click in the VM
10:53 🔗 ersi or alt+4 etc
10:53 🔗 ersi F4*
10:53 🔗 ersi When you get "bogus" speed, it's comparing files on the remote server and the local disk - don't worry, it's just fine
10:54 🔗 ersi You need to micromanage your warriors waay less
