[00:31] i put the discovery data that was on my machine on IA. they're listed at http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Discovery_Data [04:16] *** Start is now known as StartAway [05:03] *** aaaaaaaaa has quit IRC (Leaving) [14:49] *** fluff is now known as fluff_ [14:50] *** fluff_ is now known as fluff [14:55] *** fluff is now known as fluff_ [17:19] *** logchfoo has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 612 seconds) [17:21] *** logchfoo starts logging #warrior at Sun Nov 30 17:21:14 2014 [17:21] *** logchfoo has joined #warrior [18:40] *** StartAway is now known as Start [22:05] *** toad1 has quit IRC (Leaving.) [22:10] *** toad has joined #warrior [22:16] *** fluff_ is now known as fluff