[00:21] *** GLaDOS has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [00:21] *** GLaDOS has joined #warrior [01:14] *** Start has joined #warrior [03:06] *** bsmith093 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [03:36] *** chfoo has quit IRC (Read error: Connection timed out) [03:36] *** chfoo has joined #warrior [04:23] *** bsmith093 has joined #warrior [05:14] *** aaaaaaaaa has quit IRC (Leaving) [05:24] === For those running Ovi Store project, please reboot your warrior to stop any broken jobs. Thanks. === [06:03] *** trs80 has quit IRC (ny.us.hub irc.umich.edu) [06:45] *** underscor has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 506 seconds) [06:56] *** underscor has joined #warrior [07:10] *** trs80 has joined #warrior [07:10] *** irc.umich.edu sets mode: +o trs80 [07:45] *** underscor has quit IRC (ircd.shaw.ca irc.shaw.ca) [07:45] *** Start has quit IRC (ircd.shaw.ca irc.shaw.ca) [07:45] *** midas has quit IRC (ircd.shaw.ca irc.shaw.ca) [07:45] *** ersi has quit IRC (ircd.shaw.ca irc.shaw.ca) [07:52] *** underscor has joined #warrior [07:52] *** Start has joined #warrior [07:52] *** midas has joined #warrior [07:52] *** ersi has joined #warrior [07:52] *** irc.shaw.ca sets mode: +o ersi [08:01] *** underscor has quit IRC (ircd.shaw.ca irc.shaw.ca) [08:01] *** Start has quit IRC (ircd.shaw.ca irc.shaw.ca) [08:01] *** midas has quit IRC (ircd.shaw.ca irc.shaw.ca) [08:01] *** ersi has quit IRC (ircd.shaw.ca irc.shaw.ca) [08:08] *** underscor has joined #warrior [08:08] *** Start has joined #warrior [08:08] *** midas has joined #warrior [08:13] *** underscor has quit IRC (ircd.shaw.ca irc.shaw.ca) [08:13] *** Start has quit IRC (ircd.shaw.ca irc.shaw.ca) [08:13] *** midas has quit IRC (ircd.shaw.ca irc.shaw.ca) [08:18] *** ersi has joined #warrior [08:24] *** underscor has joined #warrior [08:24] *** Start has joined #warrior [08:24] *** midas has joined #warrior [08:25] *** underscor has quit IRC (ircd.shaw.ca irc.shaw.ca) [08:25] *** Start has quit IRC (ircd.shaw.ca irc.shaw.ca) [08:25] *** midas has quit IRC (ircd.shaw.ca irc.shaw.ca) [08:26] *** underscor has joined #warrior [08:26] *** Start has joined #warrior [08:26] *** midas has joined #warrior [12:49] *** GLaDOS has quit IRC (Quit: mic esper) [12:50] *** GLaDOS has joined #warrior [14:40] *** sankin has joined #warrior [15:40] *** Start has quit IRC (Disconnected.) [16:18] *** Start has joined #warrior [16:19] *** Start has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [16:19] *** Start_ has joined #warrior [16:25] *** Start_ is now known as Start [16:51] *** Start has quit IRC (Disconnected.) [16:57] *** Start has joined #warrior [17:07] *** Start has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [17:07] *** Start_ has joined #warrior [17:08] *** Start_ is now known as Start [17:38] *** xmc sets mode: +oo swebb yipdw [17:38] *** swebb sets mode: +o GLaDOS [17:38] *** swebb sets mode: +o ersi [17:38] *** swebb sets mode: +o underscor [17:38] *** xmc sets mode: +o chfoo [17:43] *** Start has quit IRC (Disconnected.) [17:47] *** aaaaaaaaa has joined #warrior [18:53] *** Start has joined #warrior [19:01] *** Start_ has joined #warrior [19:01] *** Start has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:01] *** Start_ is now known as Start [19:03] *** Start has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:03] *** Start_ has joined #warrior [19:03] *** Start_ is now known as Start [19:16] *** Start has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:16] *** Start_ has joined #warrior [19:18] *** Start has joined #warrior [19:18] *** Start_ has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:24] *** Start has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:24] *** Start_ has joined #warrior [19:28] *** Start_ is now known as Start [19:33] *** primus has joined #warrior [19:37] *** Start has quit IRC (Disconnected.) [19:40] *** Start has joined #warrior [19:42] *** Start has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:42] *** Start_ has joined #warrior [19:42] *** Start_ is now known as Start [19:50] *** Start has quit IRC (Disconnected.) [21:50] *** primus has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [21:58] *** sankin has quit IRC (Leaving.) [22:03] *** abartov has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [23:09] *** Start has joined #warrior