#warrior 2016-08-22,Mon

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Time Nickname Message
00:20 🔗 SmileyG has joined #warrior
00:24 🔗 Smiley has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
04:34 🔗 JesseW has joined #warrior
04:34 🔗 JesseW Yahoo Answers doesn't work for me in the warrior
04:34 🔗 JesseW The title doesn't even show up in Current Project when I select it
04:37 🔗 ErkDog I've got standalones running on 3 boxes
04:37 🔗 ErkDog 2 of them seem to be working OK, the third keeps hanging somehow :(
04:37 🔗 ErkDog https://puu.sh/qJUu6/297e25e017.png
04:37 🔗 ErkDog I typed the dashed line like 15-20 minutes ago
04:37 🔗 ErkDog restarted twice before that too
04:41 🔗 JesseW hm, so it's clearly a warrior thing...
04:59 🔗 Start_ has joined #warrior
04:59 🔗 enr1c0 has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
05:02 🔗 Start has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
05:03 🔗 Start has joined #warrior
05:06 🔗 Start_ has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
06:09 🔗 Honno has joined #warrior
06:12 🔗 Coderjoe has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
06:24 🔗 JesseW has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
06:43 🔗 Coderjoe has joined #warrior
06:54 🔗 Coderjoe has quit IRC (ircd.choopa.net irc.mzima.net)
06:58 🔗 Coderjoe_ has joined #warrior
08:43 🔗 phuzion has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
08:48 🔗 phuzion has joined #warrior
09:49 🔗 GLaDOS has quit IRC (Quit: Oh crap, I died.)
09:49 🔗 GLaDOS has joined #warrior
11:15 🔗 dxrt has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
11:19 🔗 dxrt has joined #warrior
14:50 🔗 yipdw has quit IRC (hub.efnet.us irc.Prison.NET)
14:50 🔗 Igloo^ has quit IRC (hub.efnet.us irc.Prison.NET)
14:50 🔗 midas has quit IRC (hub.efnet.us irc.Prison.NET)
14:51 🔗 midas1 has joined #warrior
14:51 🔗 yipdw_ has joined #warrior
14:51 🔗 Igloo^_ has joined #warrior
15:25 🔗 Igloo^_ is now known as Igloo^
15:44 🔗 JesseW has joined #warrior
16:17 🔗 JesseW has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
17:12 🔗 ErkDog yahoo grabber on my CentOS system has been stuck since last night
17:12 🔗 ErkDog restarted it, instantly stuck again
17:13 🔗 ErkDog https://puu.sh/qKrWu/62e488c20c.png
17:14 🔗 ErkDog https://puu.sh/qKrYa/0e05a490ae.png
17:15 🔗 sep332 has joined #warrior
21:42 🔗 mls_ has joined #warrior
22:03 🔗 mls_ is now known as Kksmkrn
22:07 🔗 Honno has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
22:24 🔗 Kksmkrn has quit IRC (leaving)
