[00:14] One thing I struggled with is that the swp was full and the pi was unresponsive. Another is switching to an external for storage. The last was figuring out how to browse to see the GUI for the Warriors containers [00:21] *** jodizzle has quit IRC (Quit: ZNC 1.7.1 - https://znc.in) [00:21] *** jodizzle has joined #warrior [00:28] Did you end up getting the external working? [00:28] oshura-m [00:29] Not yet. Haven’t had the free time needed to research it enough [00:47] Kaz: this is the script i use to drain the done keys: https://github.com/chfoo/universal-tracker-utilities/blob/master/drain_done_set.py which i manually run occasionally [00:47] though it probably would be better write a script to check each project for activity and save unneeded keys to files [00:54] oh hm, I thought done jobs were drained automatically [00:55] ty anyway, will have a fiddle about [02:48] Hey Wingy, a though for a proposal, how about automating into the docker image thing that you made a process whereby each docker container automatically forwards to whatever the local ip address for that pi would be with container 1 being port 8001 and 2 being 8002 and so forth? That way, I could type in the ip address for my pi on my daily driver's browser and see what warrior is doing from there. For example, I would be able to type [02:48] to see the first warrior container's work and to see the second one all from my laptop. Thoughts? [02:49] That's pretty much what it does [02:50] oh, well I have no idea how to do that from my laptop that I am using to ssh into the pi [02:51] That's where I was struggling. I had to find out what the local ip address was for the container through HTOP and looking up the command name [02:51] and now all I can do is look at the warrior containers via vnc into the pi and then using the browser on the pi to look at how they're doing [02:52] Go to your warrior directory and `docker-compose ps` [02:52] Do you want to set up warrior-manager so port 3333 shows all of the warriors? [02:53] ooooh... that would be cool possibly [02:53] And it'd look like this https://thelounge.home.wingysam.xyz/uploads/4f736de6dc0d6272/image.png [02:53] Traceback (most recent call last): [02:53] File "/usr/local/bin/docker-compose", line 6, in [02:53] from compose.cli.main import main [02:53] File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/compose/cli/main.py", line 23, in [02:53] from ..bundle import get_image_digests [02:53] File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/compose/bundle.py", line 14, in [02:53] from .service import format_environment [02:53] File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/compose/service.py", line 15, in [02:53] import enum [02:53] ImportError: No module named enum [02:53] Please don't paste directly into chat :) [02:54] Use a pastebin service like https://gist.github.com [02:54] Or https://ghostbin.com [02:54] oops it's https://ghostbin.co [02:54] oh sorry. I'll do that [02:55] Eww Python 2.7 [02:55] https://gist.github.com/oshura3/45f41c603c003754b01238f07b0afe42 [02:56] yea JAA, newb prolems [02:56] Try running `pip install docker-compose` again? [02:56] oh `sudo pip install docker-compose` [02:56] in the same folder? also do I stop the containers currently running? [02:56] you can see which ip addresses each container uses for docker inspect. if you want to be able to see all containers webpages on one website, u can use organizr or muximux to do iframing for each container [02:56] That's not the problem I think. [02:56] It looks like Python 2 vs 3 to me. [02:56] enum is a built-in module in Py3. [02:57] I'm all ears [02:57] So possibly `pip3 install docker-compose`, but really I have no idea. [02:57] Just smells like it could be that. [02:58] "Requirement already satisfied: docker-compose in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (1.21.0) [02:58] " [02:58] Terbium: That's what my warrior-manager project does, it just automatically discovers the warriors with docker-compose [02:59] Screenshot: https://thelounge.home.wingysam.xyz/uploads/4f736de6dc0d6272/image.png [02:59] Then I guess you might have to execute docker-compose explicitly with Python 3 somehow. [02:59] (NB, I've never used Docker Compose before.) [02:59] `sudo pip remove docker-compose`? [02:59] I just couldn't figure out how to run Wingy's warrior-manager project [02:59] looks great [03:00] Do I uninstall python2.7? will that help? [03:00] That will (unfortunately) most likely break various things. [03:00] It's currently stuck in doing the install from the first pip install docker-compose cmd Wingy [03:01] @JAA lol well, there goes that idea [03:02] I think we broke my pi's brain again. the swp was already at 100/100 and now it seems frozen [03:03] You'll want to uninstall the docker-compose installation under Python 2, which is what Wingy's last pip command does (since `pip` usually still defaults to Python 2). [03:05] you can use docker stack to docker-compose things [03:05] what's the command to kill all containers again? this is dragging and I think it's because they're still running while I'm trying to install and uinstall stuff [03:05] docker stack is 90% equivalent to docker-compose [03:06] and built in to docker [03:07] so you can try that if you cant install docker-compose itslf [03:07] itself [03:08] Not quite though [03:08] And warrior-manager doesn't work with docker stack [03:09] ok, doing the pip install seems to have worked Wingy [03:09] docker-compose ps [03:09] works now? [03:09] yep, even without doing the pip3 install [03:09] :D [03:09] although, if that's more efficient, I'll go through the trouble of uninstalling it via pip and reinstalling it via pip3 [03:12] @Wingy: so what's next [03:13] What do you get when you type `node -v`? [03:13] v13.3.0 [03:13] `cd && cd warrior && ls`? [03:16] docker-compose.yml warrior-manager [03:30] @Wingy: what's next [03:30] `cd warrior-manager && node index.js` [03:31] The screen freezes after that [03:31] it's just a little black box on an otherwise entirely empty line [03:32] (in my case it's green instead of black though) [03:34] @Wingy: clarification- the pi is not frozen, just the terminal window into which I typed that command [03:35] Go to :3333 [03:35] If you're on vnc, localhost [03:36] it loaded up a blank page that just says containers [03:36] and now it loaded the containers! [03:36] Is warrior running? [03:37] that last step is the one I was missing: the one of going to the pi's ip with the port 3333 [03:37] Yea :) [03:37] score! [03:37] So now we just need to keep the node program running [03:38] and to switch everything from running on my sd card to my external hdd lol [03:38] You can just run it in the console if you want [03:38] run what in the console brother? [03:38] `node index.js` [03:39] like, moving forward? i.e., if I reboot the pi, just go back into warrior/warrior-manager and run 'node index.js' again? [03:39] Yeah [03:39] ok sweet, so if I close the terminal, it should stay running? [03:42] man, this is awesome sauce. I can't wait to have fiber installed in my house so I don't have to be capped by this silly upload speed [03:44] If it should stay running without the terminal, start it in screen [03:44] @wingy: I really appreciate your guidance on this so far. [03:44] `screen` then `node index.js` [03:44] :) [03:45] `screen` command not found [03:45] screen node index.js [03:47] Probably have to install it [03:47] `sudo apt install screen` [03:49] now we're cooking! [03:52] The next question/project I have for you @wingy is: is there a way to have the warrior-manager monitor the warriors on multiple ip's on a local network, i.e., more than one of my pi's running warrior at the same time [03:53] That's hopefully coming soon [03:54] you, my friend, are a beast! In the meanwhile, do you (or anyone else here) have any pointers on how (or even IF) I should adjust the swp file to be larger and also to place it on my external drive? [03:56] @wingy: unless you already have a program cooked up for that too lol [03:56] I'm not sure [03:57] gtg [03:58] no worries if not, I saw some tutorials on how to run the pi's from a hdd and also something about some swap files but I am not knowledgeable enough and sadly don/t have the free time to research it right now to know how to proceed with this effort. I just hope I don't burn out my sd card in the next day or two doing this [03:58] Talk to you tomorrow or something. Thanks again for all your help! [04:30] *** kiska has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [04:30] *** Flashfire has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [04:31] *** Flashfire has joined #warrior [04:31] *** kiska has joined #warrior [05:05] *** DogsRNice has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [10:15] *** kiska18 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [10:15] *** Ryz has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [10:16] *** kiska18 has joined #warrior [10:16] *** Ryz has joined #warrior [10:51] *** Atom__ has joined #warrior [10:54] *** Amber has joined #warrior [10:55] I'm wondering if it's okay to use my VPN (Mullvad) with the warrior for yahoo groups [10:56] *** LeighR has joined #warrior [10:57] *** Atom-- has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [11:29] *** Amber has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [12:20] *** Wingy has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [12:26] *** TetryonB1 has joined #warrior [12:29] *** TetryonBe has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [12:36] Nope [12:37] Fuck they’re gone. Can someone check for claims from Amber on ygroups please? [12:53] update: I found some. user now banned from tracker until they turn up here [12:56] *** Amber has joined #warrior [12:56] Kaz: according to JAA, I have loads of claims that appear to have flat given up. I grepped for the one he(?) named, and saw no sign of it - by contrast, grepping for a group that there was a current wget-lua process for turned up its .warc.gz [12:56] LeighR said I have stuck claims? [12:56] where should I be looking? [12:57] LeighR: See what I wrote in #yahoosucks. Those old jobs failed, and it's happening for everyone, not just you. [12:57] I have one that's been running for 1h and another for 21m [12:57] that makes me feel less terrible, thanks [12:57] Amber: Do not use any VPN. [12:57] Oh, okie dokie [12:59] I'll turn my VPN off and the warrior back on soon [12:59] So what is the issue with using a VPN with this? [13:01] Could it be that I might have accidentally switched locations while it was running? [13:02] https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=ArchiveTeam_Warrior#Can_I_use_whatever_internet_access_for_the_warrior.3F [13:02] the folders under data starting with 157... are empty in the random Warrior Docker containers that I've checked [13:04] Apologies. Someone mentioned earleir that if I was confident my VPN was "clean" it would be okay but I should have double-checked the wiki and followed the rules [13:05] brb [13:06] *** Amber_ has joined #warrior [13:09] *** Amber has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [13:11] *** Amber_ is now known as Amber [13:15] (posting to #yahoosucks about stuff specific to warrior on that project) [13:41] *** chazchaz has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [13:41] *** chazchaz has joined #warrior [13:50] *** TetryonBe has joined #warrior [13:54] *** TetryonB1 has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [14:25] *** Wingy has joined #warrior [14:27] *** Wingy has quit IRC (Client Quit) [14:27] *** Wingy has joined #warrior [16:04] *** sirvy has joined #warrior [17:20] Hey guys, I think the tracker for tinyurl may be down [17:20] Error communicating with tracker: 502 Server Error: Bad Gateway for url: https://tracker.archiveteam.org:1338/api/get [17:21] give it 5 mins [19:14] *** LeighR has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [20:07] *** TetryonBe has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [21:50] *** mtntmnky has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [21:50] *** mtntmnky has joined #warrior [22:01] *** ShellyRol has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:03] *** ShellyRol has joined #warrior [23:30] @wingy: you around? [23:52] *** pinkieval has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [23:52] *** pinkieval has joined #warrior