#webroasting 2015-04-05,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
03:19 🔗 dcmorton (~dcmorton@[redacted]) left IRC (Netsplit: ircd.choopa.net irc.eversible.com)
03:19 🔗 svchfoo3 (~chfoo3@[redacted]) left IRC (Netsplit: ircd.choopa.net irc.eversible.com)
03:23 🔗 dcmorton (~dcmorton@[redacted]) joined the channel
03:23 🔗 irc.eversible.com sets mode +o dcmorton
03:25 🔗 svchfoo3 (~chfoo3@[redacted]) joined the channel
03:26 🔗 Start sets mode +oo svchfoo2 svchfoo3
03:26 🔗 dcmorton (~dcmorton@[redacted]) left IRC (Excess Flood)
03:26 🔗 dcmorton (~dcmorton@[redacted]) joined the channel
03:27 🔗 svchfoo3 sets mode +o dcmorton
03:36 🔗 svchfoo3 (~chfoo3@[redacted]) left IRC (Client Quit)
03:37 🔗 svchfoo3 (~chfoo3@[redacted]) joined the channel
03:52 🔗 chfoo sets mode +o svchfoo3
04:33 🔗 svchfoo2 (~chfoo2@[redacted]) left IRC (Quit: Closing)
04:35 🔗 svchfoo2 (~chfoo2@[redacted]) joined the channel
04:36 🔗 svchfoo3 sets mode +o svchfoo2
07:33 🔗 dashcloud (~quassel@[redacted]) left IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
11:34 🔗 SimpBrain (~SimpleBra@[redacted]) joined the channel
11:59 🔗 dashcloud (~quassel@[redacted]) joined the channel
12:00 🔗 svchfoo1 sets mode +o dashcloud
15:18 🔗 SimpBrai1 (~SimpleBra@[redacted]) joined the channel
15:25 🔗 SimpBrain (~SimpleBra@[redacted]) left IRC (Ping timeout: 512 seconds)
19:25 🔗 garyrh (garyrh@[redacted]) left IRC (Write error: Broken pipe)
19:35 🔗 garyrh (garyrh@[redacted]) joined the channel
19:36 🔗 svchfoo1 sets mode +o garyrh
20:47 🔗 svchfoo2 (~chfoo2@[redacted]) left IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
20:51 🔗 svchfoo2 (~chfoo2@[redacted]) joined the channel
20:52 🔗 svchfoo3 sets mode +o svchfoo2
21:06 🔗 SimpBrai1 (~SimpleBra@[redacted]) left IRC (Quit: Leaving)
