#webroasting 2016-03-13,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
00:19 🔗 Start ops?
00:44 🔗 dashcloud has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
00:46 🔗 dashcloud has joined #webroasting
03:39 🔗 Fletcher sets mode: +o Start
15:51 🔗 phuzion has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
15:56 🔗 phuzion has joined #webroasting
15:56 🔗 phuzion has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
20:05 🔗 dashcloud has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
20:07 🔗 dashcloud has joined #webroasting
21:28 🔗 svchfoo3 has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
21:32 🔗 svchfoo3 has joined #webroasting
21:33 🔗 svchfoo1 sets mode: +o svchfoo3
21:33 🔗 wp494 has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
21:34 🔗 wp494 has joined #webroasting
21:34 🔗 svchfoo3 sets mode: +o wp494
21:50 🔗 BnA-Rob1n has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
21:53 🔗 Fletcher_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
21:53 🔗 wp494 has quit IRC (efnet.portlane.se hub.se)
21:54 🔗 Start has quit IRC (efnet.portlane.se hub.se)
21:54 🔗 Ctrl-S___ has quit IRC (efnet.portlane.se hub.se)
21:54 🔗 zhongfu has quit IRC (efnet.portlane.se hub.se)
21:54 🔗 _desu___ has quit IRC (efnet.portlane.se hub.se)
21:56 🔗 chfoo has quit IRC (efnet.portlane.se hub.se)
21:56 🔗 achip has quit IRC (efnet.portlane.se hub.se)
21:56 🔗 svchfoo1 has quit IRC (efnet.portlane.se hub.se)
21:56 🔗 SimpBrai1 has quit IRC (efnet.portlane.se hub.se)
21:56 🔗 arkiver has quit IRC (efnet.portlane.se hub.se)
21:56 🔗 svchfoo3 has quit IRC (efnet.portlane.se hub.se)
21:56 🔗 dashcloud has quit IRC (efnet.portlane.se hub.se)
21:56 🔗 chfoo- has quit IRC (efnet.portlane.se hub.se)
21:56 🔗 Fletcher has quit IRC (efnet.portlane.se hub.se)
21:58 🔗 Fletcher_ has joined #webroasting
22:23 🔗 logchfoo1 starts logging #webroasting at Sun Mar 13 22:23:33 2016
22:23 🔗 logchfoo1 has joined #webroasting
22:59 🔗 dashcloud has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
23:02 🔗 dashcloud has joined #webroasting
23:05 🔗 Fletcher_ has joined #webroasting
23:06 🔗 svchfoo3 sets mode: +o Fletcher_
