#webroasting 2018-09-16,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
00:57 🔗 hook54321 has joined #webroasting
01:39 🔗 logchfoo1 starts logging #webroasting at Sun Sep 16 01:39:22 2018
01:39 🔗 logchfoo1 has joined #webroasting
02:23 🔗 JAA has joined #webroasting
02:24 🔗 bakJAA sets mode: +o JAA
02:27 🔗 hook54321 has quit IRC (se.hub irc.underworld.no)
02:44 🔗 Raccoon http://studenten.freepage.de/meph/ascii/
03:36 🔗 mr_archiv Raccoon, I looked at your Paste sites list, it is very impressive. We should try enumerating the URLs like terroroftinytown does.
03:36 🔗 Raccoon If you can script something to better tidy and test them, that'd be awesome.
03:36 🔗 Raccoon I'd pulled a great deal of them from my IRC logs over 2 decades
03:37 🔗 Raccoon then creative google/duckduck searches for those with common codebase
03:39 🔗 mr_archiv Raccoon, even if I script something I will not have enough resources to run this myself unless I have access to a list of all pastes on the website. The reason why is because some websites rate limit requests.
03:39 🔗 Raccoon oh. right.
03:39 🔗 mr_archiv The solution is to distribute requests across many IP addresses.
03:39 🔗 Raccoon but I mean, at the very least, to ennumerate their existence, birthday, deathday, etc
03:40 🔗 Raccoon wikipage
03:40 🔗 mr_archiv I am not sure what you are talking about.
03:40 🔗 Raccoon then you know where to look on archive.org
03:40 🔗 Raccoon wikipage like @ http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=ISP_Hosting
03:40 🔗 Raccoon call it title=Paste_Hosting
03:41 🔗 mr_archiv I think what you talking about is migrating the list you are maintaining to the archiveteam wiki.
03:41 🔗 Raccoon correct.
03:41 🔗 Raccoon re: "I'm tired of trying to maintain it by hand."
03:42 🔗 mr_archiv OK, now I understand the confusion.
03:42 🔗 mr_archiv By enumerating the URLs I mean we figure out how the ID system increments on each website.
03:42 🔗 mr_archiv Then we attempt to request each paste and see if it exists.
03:42 🔗 mr_archiv This is how terroroftinytown works.
03:43 🔗 Raccoon aye. a great many or most of them expire posts after some period, and indexes are now mostly all hidden due to SEO spam companies. in theory, archive.org would have most of the index-era archived
03:44 🔗 Raccoon SEO companies have made plain their business model involves spamming paste sites and random web forums.
03:44 🔗 mr_archiv archive.org will only have the pastes if they were posted to a URL that the archive.org web crawller can access.
03:45 🔗 mr_archiv There are some pastes that are public by virture of not being password protected but they are not archived because archive.org's crawler never saw the URL.
03:45 🔗 Raccoon indeed
03:45 🔗 Raccoon and today that's mostly true since so many that had "recent pastes" indexes, no longer support that
03:47 🔗 mr_archiv To answer your original question about migrating to the wiki I recommend you check out pandoc.
03:47 🔗 mr_archiv It can convert your markdown to mediawiki syntax.
03:48 🔗 mr_archiv Then you should be able to copy and paste the mediawiki into a new page.
03:50 🔗 mr_archiv I ran it on paste.md and it worked.
03:50 🔗 mr_archiv Would you like me to post it to the archiveteam wiki?
04:03 🔗 zhongfu has joined #webroasting
04:04 🔗 Raccoon Yeah, have at
04:05 🔗 Raccoon It could probably be reformatted better still
04:10 🔗 zhongfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
04:14 🔗 zhongfu has joined #webroasting
04:22 🔗 mr_archiv Done: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Paste_hosting note I am not going to change any of the text or formatting.
04:22 🔗 mr_archiv I do not understand the in progress section. What is in progress?
04:41 🔗 kiskabak2 has joined #webroasting
04:42 🔗 kiska1 has joined #webroasting
04:42 🔗 kiska has joined #webroasting
04:53 🔗 Raccoon i was in progress of sorting and cataloguing those next
04:53 🔗 Raccoon general notes / extra stuff
06:16 🔗 jut_ has joined #webroasting
10:54 🔗 zhongfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
10:58 🔗 zhongfu has joined #webroasting
22:05 🔗 zhongfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
22:06 🔗 zhongfu has joined #webroasting
