#wikiteam 2011-08-03,Wed

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Time Nickname Message
03:12 🔗 chronomex whoa
03:13 🔗 * chronomex on road to defcon, lag measured in hours
06:40 🔗 * undersco2 pokes Nemo_bis
06:40 🔗 undersco2 Hit me up when you're available
14:34 🔗 undersco2 http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=collection:wikiteam&sort=-publicdate
14:34 🔗 undersco2 That looks nice
15:55 🔗 underscor http://www.archive.org/details/wikiteam&reCache=1
15:55 🔗 underscor Added a header logo
17:36 🔗 underscor By-the-way, just started using the tools for this first time
17:36 🔗 underscor I have no idea why people are having such a difficult time
17:37 🔗 underscor Just give the api url and then whether you want xml, logs, and/or images
17:42 🔗 ersi I bet they don't understand how they'll get the magical API page
17:50 🔗 underscor haha
18:32 🔗 underscor http://i.imgur.com/gC3fI.png
21:17 🔗 emijrp seti wiki saved
