#wikiteam 2014-01-29,Wed

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Time Nickname Message
09:31 🔗 Dud2 I'm getting an error saying "There is no config file. we can't resume. Start a new dump." But there is a config.txt file?
10:13 🔗 Nemo_bis it might contain wrong info
10:54 🔗 Nemo_bis That's a clean wiki! I come 2 years later and I archive the same. :) http://www.castwiki.com/index.php?title=Special:RecentChanges&days=3650
13:24 🔗 Danneh__ Aha, nice!
13:25 🔗 Danneh__ I should be throwing Combine Overwiki up on IA today or tomorrow or so, depending on how long images take to download
13:26 🔗 Danneh__ Heftiest one I've done so far, 'round 1.5GB of history and 9000 images or so. Will try to do it when little brother's not playing many games :P
13:27 🔗 Danneh__ Fun archiving largish wikis!
13:27 🔗 Danneh__ Thanks to y'all for writing those dumping and uploading tools, makes it nice and simple
13:47 🔗 Nemo_bis Danneh__: thank you for the nice words and for having fun while helping :)
18:35 🔗 xmc :D
22:41 🔗 Nemo_bis SketchCow: I made a mistake, some items in wrong collection: can you move to wikiteam in batch please? https://archive.org/search.php?query=wiki%20uploader%3Afedericoleva%20-collection%3Awikiteam%20addeddate%3A2014-01-29
22:43 🔗 Dud1 Are we meant to be able to see the individual files in the wiki uploads?
22:44 🔗 SketchCow 1. Work done.
22:44 🔗 SketchCow 2. Those Avengers Comics are doooooooomed
22:47 🔗 Nemo_bis 2. Not really a surprise, but :(
22:47 🔗 Nemo_bis 1. Thanks!
22:47 🔗 Nemo_bis I'm not sure if it was fast or slow
22:48 🔗 Nemo_bis Dud1: I'm not sure what you mean: the files in the archives, those downloaded from the wikis?
22:51 🔗 Dud1 Well like https://archive.org/details/wiki-extrabenchmarkmediacom_wiki that one shows what files are in it, but ones I have uploaded haven't https://archive.org/details/svrunescapewikiacom-20140127-wikidump.7z
22:59 🔗 Nemo_bis Dud1: ah, that's because you need to set mediatype:web
23:02 🔗 Nemo_bis The script does that for you, but if you don't use the script you can't do it at all! We need to invoke the powers that be ;)
23:02 🔗 Nemo_bis SketchCow: Can you also move these items to collection:wikiteam and mediatype:web? https://archive.org/search.php?query=subject%3A%22wikiteam%22%20-collection%3Awikiteam%20-title%3Adump%20-title%3Adumps
23:08 🔗 Dud1 I manually uploaded them, I tried the script earlier today, but it didn't upload any. I'm going to take another look in the morning
23:19 🔗 Nemo_bis Ah, sorry.
23:21 🔗 Nemo_bis Note that I broke the script a hour or so ago. Now it works, but there's a "/dev/null" which you probably need to replace with "NUL" in Windows to avoid breakage
23:28 🔗 Dud1 I think I was using the r931 or r934. I'll get the new one and try that.
23:41 🔗 Dud1 Yeah didn't work in windows, but did on linux so I'll use that so.
