[18:47] Is https://wikiapiary.com/wiki/Category:Website_not_archived that a good guide to go by, to find a wiki that hasn't been archived? [19:46] Dud1: yes it should. :) We're working closely with them. However, ignore it for Wikia wikis. [19:48] Dud1: We also know several wikis missing metadata on archive.org: https://wikiapiary.com/wiki/User:Thingles/WikiTeam_missing_url [19:48] (If you want you can help me fix those.) [19:50] Since there are eyes in here right now... what can a wiki owner do to make things easier for wikiteam? [19:51] I'm the back-end admin on a modest sized wiki (c. 10k pages) [19:51] is there a way I can do a dump and gather the images that would be helpful? [20:28] SadDM: Thanks for asking! Yes, there is. https://code.google.com/p/wikiteam/wiki/NewTutorial#I_have_shell_access_to_server + https://code.google.com/p/wikiteam/wiki/NewTutorial#Publishing_the_dump [20:29] If you have shell access, it's really simple and fast for you to make a dump. If you don't want, at least add your wiki to public listings: http://wikiapiary.com/ [21:03] Nemo_bis: awesome... dumping now. [21:08] SadDM: great! :) [21:13] so, how should the dump and image.tar be named? [21:13] should they be compressed? [21:16] SadDM: yes, we usually use 7z with the filenames as per tutorial [21:16] ok... that was a double-check [21:17] but I'm still not totally clear on what the file names should look like... [21:17] pathfinderwikicom-20140202-wikidump.xml.7z? [21:18] pathfinderwikicom-20140202-images.tar.7z? [21:28] This is what's usually inside a 7z wikidump: [21:28] $ ls irc_wikiorg-20140129-wikidump [21:28] config.txt images index.html irc_wikiorg-20140129-history.xml irc_wikiorg-20140129-images.txt irc_wikiorg-20140129-titles.txt Special:Version.html [21:28] images being a folder containing all the images/image descriptions [21:29] but I believe the other ways should be in that NewTutorial page, posted earlier [21:29] https://code.google.com/p/wikiteam/wiki/NewTutorial#Further_steps:_compression [21:49] SadDM: pathfinderwikicom-20140202-history.xml.7z (XML only) and pathfinderwikicom-20140202-wikidump.7z (with both XML and images) [21:50] it doesn't really matter, just makes it easier for you to upload them (with the uploader.py script) [21:53] hmm, I think I'm starting to understand [21:53] the truth is that I'll probably just upload via ftp... that'll be fastest for me [21:54] (since this will be a one-time ting for me) [21:54] so... is this layout/naming about right? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=FFqyVFLH [23:08] one last ping on ^this^ before I go ahead [23:09] that's good enough, yes [23:10] I still suggest to use uploader.py to add all the metadata, it's tedious by hand [23:16] mkdir pathfinderwikicom-20140202.wikidump [23:16] * SadDM sigh!