#wikiteam 2014-10-06,Mon

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Time Nickname Message
19:16 🔗 Diesel_ Hi guys, i'm having problems finishing a dump from a wiki
19:17 🔗 Diesel_ Heres the error it gives me
19:17 🔗 Diesel_ http://pastie.org/9625746
19:33 🔗 Nemo_bis Diesel_: :( is that the latest version of dumpgenerator?
20:02 🔗 Diesel_ I just updated, was only a few days out of date
20:02 🔗 Diesel_ But yes, its still doing it
20:05 🔗 Nemo_bis Diesel_: there was an issue for it, I don't remember if we closed it; please reopen and paste the text above
