[10:21] *** XyzBooter has joined #wikiteam [10:21] "Booter.xyz - Cheap, Affordable, Strong Output, Dedicated Servers. Best Booter on Market" [10:21] *** XyzBooter has left [10:24] *** GLaDOS has joined #wikiteam [10:58] arkiver: ops [12:59] *** Nemo_bis sets mode: +o midas [13:00] midas: you changed host recently? [13:01] yeah [13:01] old server died [13:01] so switched to other vps [13:01] *** midas sets mode: +b *!*@ [13:01] old server is back alive now, but need to move everything again [13:01] * midas lazy [13:04] ok [23:32] *** dcmorton has quit IRC (ny.us.hub irc.servercentral.net) [23:32] *** arkiver has quit IRC (ny.us.hub irc.servercentral.net) [23:32] *** svchfoo1 has quit IRC (ny.us.hub irc.servercentral.net) [23:32] *** atlogbot has quit IRC (ny.us.hub irc.servercentral.net) [23:49] *** atlogbot has joined #wikiteam [23:49] *** arkiver has joined #wikiteam [23:49] *** svchfoo1 has joined #wikiteam [23:49] *** irc.servercentral.net sets mode: +oo arkiver svchfoo1 [23:49] *** arkiver has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 370 seconds) [23:49] *** dcmorton has joined #wikiteam [23:50] *** arkiver has joined #wikiteam [23:51] *** atlogbot has quit IRC (Excess Flood) [23:52] *** atlogbot has joined #wikiteam