#archiveteam-ot 2018-05-24,Thu

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Time Nickname Message
00:33 🔗 BlueMax has joined #archiveteam-ot
03:24 🔗 odemg has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
03:38 🔗 odemg has joined #archiveteam-ot
04:32 🔗 o_hi_budd has joined #archiveteam-ot
04:38 🔗 o_hi_budd has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
05:25 🔗 sim590rq has joined #archiveteam-ot
05:26 🔗 sim590rq 05:14 <@chrono> it literally took 2 seconds to get all of torpedos shit klined
05:26 🔗 sim590rq 05:14 <@chrono> it literally took 2 seconds to get all of torpedos shit klined
05:26 🔗 sim590rq 05:15 <@chrono> tomaw i literally spammed 3 opers fake logs until they banned your bots nigga
05:26 🔗 sim590rq 05:15 <@chrono> tomaw i literally spammed 3 opers fake logs until they banned your bots nigga
05:26 🔗 sim590rq 05:15 <@chrono> how's that feel
05:26 🔗 sim590rq 05:15 <@chrono> how's that feel
05:26 🔗 sim590rq 05:15 <@chrono> im more hated by efnet opers than you and they still banned your shit
05:26 🔗 sim590rq 05:15 <@chrono> im more hated by efnet opers than you and they still banned your shit
05:26 🔗 sim590rq odemg BlueMax svchfoo1 Aoede Gfy dxrt_ archiver wp494 Odd0002 zino Jens DragonMon Despatche moufu godane arkiver YHVH hook54321 MrRadar2 BnAboyZ Tenebrae Sue Kaz ivan SimpBrain SketchCow jeekl rbraun betamax logchfoo1 astrid t2t2 dashcloud apache2 voltagex dxrt JAA DrasticAc bitspill HCross jspiros Frogging robogoat Muad-Dib Meroje Polylith chfoo lexicon Sanqui MrRadar Ctrl-S___ deathy jrwr xarph eientei95 Vito` rektide dogsrcool Famicoman
05:26 🔗 sim590rq has quit IRC (Client Quit)
05:38 🔗 fdalxy has joined #archiveteam-ot
05:38 🔗 fdalxy 05:14 <@chrono> it literally took 2 seconds to get all of torpedos shit klined
05:38 🔗 fdalxy 05:14 <@chrono> it literally took 2 seconds to get all of torpedos shit klined
05:38 🔗 fdalxy 05:15 <@chrono> tomaw i literally spammed 3 opers fake logs until they banned your bots nigga
05:38 🔗 fdalxy 05:15 <@chrono> tomaw i literally spammed 3 opers fake logs until they banned your bots nigga
05:38 🔗 fdalxy 05:15 <@chrono> how's that feel
05:38 🔗 fdalxy 05:15 <@chrono> how's that feel
05:38 🔗 fdalxy 05:15 <@chrono> im more hated by efnet opers than you and they still banned your shit
05:38 🔗 fdalxy 05:15 <@chrono> im more hated by efnet opers than you and they still banned your shit
05:38 🔗 fdalxy odemg BlueMax svchfoo1 Aoede Gfy dxrt_ archiver wp494 Odd0002 zino Jens DragonMon Despatche moufu godane arkiver YHVH hook54321 MrRadar2 BnAboyZ Tenebrae Sue Kaz ivan SimpBrain SketchCow jeekl rbraun DrasticAc bitspill HCross jspiros Frogging robogoat Muad-Dib Meroje Polylith chfoo lexicon Sanqui MrRadar Ctrl-S___ deathy jrwr xarph eientei95 Vito` rektide dogsrcool Famicoman JAA dxrt voltagex apache2 dashcloud t2t2 astrid logchfoo1 betamax
05:38 🔗 fdalxy o d e m g B l u e M a x s v c h f o o 1 A o e d e G f y d x r t _ a r c h i v e r w p 4 9 4 O d d 0 0 0 2 z i n o J e n s D r a g o n M o n D e s p a t c h e m o u f u g o d a n e a r k i v e r Y H V H h o o k 5 4 3 2 1 M r R a d a r 2 B n A b o y Z T e n e b r a e S u e K a z i v a n S i m p B r a i n S k e t c h C o w j e e k l r b r a u n D r a s t i c A c b i t s p i l l H C r o s s j s
05:38 🔗 fdalxy has quit IRC (Client Quit)
05:39 🔗 BlueMax for god's sake
05:39 🔗 hook54321 :/
05:41 🔗 chfoo sets mode: +s
05:44 🔗 chfoo hopefully unlisting the channel works. feel free to remove +s later if there was reason it wasn't enabled.
05:47 🔗 hook54321 chfoo: For the side project channels it's nice to be able to find them by looking at what other channels people are in, but I don't see a reason not to do it for the 4 main ones.
06:20 🔗 godane has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
08:16 🔗 astrid has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
08:16 🔗 YHVH has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
08:17 🔗 betamax has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
08:17 🔗 moufu has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
08:18 🔗 astrid has joined #archiveteam-ot
08:19 🔗 svchfoo1 sets mode: +o astrid
08:19 🔗 moufu has joined #archiveteam-ot
08:20 🔗 betamax has joined #archiveteam-ot
08:31 🔗 YHVH has joined #archiveteam-ot
08:55 🔗 YHVH has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
09:10 🔗 YHVH has joined #archiveteam-ot
10:36 🔗 chirlu has joined #archiveteam-ot
10:37 🔗 godane has joined #archiveteam-ot
10:37 🔗 svchfoo1 sets mode: +o godane
10:57 🔗 DragonMon has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
11:02 🔗 DragonMon has joined #archiveteam-ot
11:08 🔗 JAA hook54321: +s doesn't hide channels from WHOIS, only from the public channel list (the LIST command).
11:08 🔗 JAA +p is the option you're thinking of.
11:09 🔗 JAA s/option/mode/
11:11 🔗 JAA Hmm, actually, looks like that depends on the IRC network. (Of course it does.)
11:12 🔗 JAA The above is how I remember it from another network. On EFNet, apparently +s hides it from both WHOIS and LIST, and +p merely "disables /knock to the channel".
11:12 🔗 JAA http://www.efnet.org/?module=docs&doc=15
11:48 🔗 godane has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.)
12:21 🔗 betamax has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
12:23 🔗 BlueMax has quit IRC (Leaving)
12:33 🔗 godane has joined #archiveteam-ot
12:33 🔗 svchfoo1 sets mode: +o godane
12:35 🔗 betamax has joined #archiveteam-ot
13:00 🔗 betamax has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
13:06 🔗 JAA IoT/GDPR update: you can't use this lightbulb anymore because of GDPR... https://twitter.com/internetofshit/status/999619364541394944
13:10 🔗 JAA http://gdprhallofshame.com/
13:12 🔗 Famicoman has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
13:15 🔗 Famicoman has joined #archiveteam-ot
13:16 🔗 Despatche has quit IRC (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer)
13:16 🔗 Despatche has joined #archiveteam-ot
13:37 🔗 betamax has joined #archiveteam-ot
15:33 🔗 schbirid has joined #archiveteam-ot
18:23 🔗 Sanqui has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
18:26 🔗 Sanqui has joined #archiveteam-ot
18:26 🔗 svchfoo1 sets mode: +o Sanqui
18:40 🔗 lindalap has joined #archiveteam-ot
18:41 🔗 tyzoid has joined #archiveteam-ot
18:45 🔗 lindalap (Continued from -bs) PirateIRC's privacy policy doesn't even have the required information for GDPR.
18:46 🔗 lindalap Regarding consent on IRC: I wrote a few incomplete drafts for two other networks, which adopted some incomplete privacy policies based on it.
18:47 🔗 astrid what's the impact of an irc network not complying with gdpr, from your perspective?
18:47 🔗 lindalap Hard to tell. Messages are probably out of scope, WHOWAS data availability publicly might be a cocern.
18:48 🔗 lindalap concern*
18:48 🔗 lindalap At least, if the server doesn't have a password like "i-agree-to-privacy-policy-dated-YYYY-MM-DD" before the connection and data collection.
18:48 🔗 astrid whowas is transitory, it usually only lasts for an hour or so
18:49 🔗 lindalap Charybdis IRCd can collect it for months end on small networks. It's buffer sized, not duration.
18:49 🔗 astrid aye
18:49 🔗 lindalap Even if an ngircd server has a password to connect, it will still tell the client first if a nickname is in use.
18:50 🔗 astrid ah huh interesting
18:50 🔗 lindalap Mmhm. You can fail the password auth and tell if a nickname is on the server.
18:50 🔗 astrid nifty ...
18:50 🔗 lindalap Not sure how it works with other IRCds...
18:51 🔗 lindalap My guess is similar because it's the user message, I think
18:51 🔗 astrid yeah
18:51 🔗 lindalap Forgot what it's called
18:51 🔗 tyzoid Plus, there's the impact of people who take logs
18:51 🔗 lindalap But anyway, nicknames are based on user provided information = consent
18:51 🔗 lindalap and informed to be public
18:51 🔗 astrid i don't think that users logging their conversations is a responsibility of the irc network
18:51 🔗 lindalap The people who take logs are on their own responsibility to manage that data under GDPR.
18:52 🔗 JAA What about public logs?
18:52 🔗 lindalap I'm not sure if it's the responsibility of the IRC network to inform the users of data sharing their messages with third parties (= the recipient)
18:53 🔗 lindalap Public logs, uhh... can't tell if that has requirements of GDPR like right to erasure, or not. Probably consent based.
18:54 🔗 lindalap Article 9(2)(e)
18:54 🔗 lindalap At least whatever they, special categories like health information about self, not a concern to the data controller.
18:55 🔗 JAA Would that cover the IP address/hostname exposed when you join a channel?
18:55 🔗 astrid wouldn't talking in a channel that is known to be logged, be consent analogous to posting to a public mailing list?
18:55 🔗 lindalap I interpreted the IRC network needs to inform of processing and sharing your device/network/software information.
18:56 🔗 lindalap Analogous, I don't remember or know what happens with mailing lists.
18:56 🔗 lindalap I mean
18:56 🔗 lindalap Channel operators have their own GDPR responsibilities
18:56 🔗 JAA So basically, the IRC protocol would have to be changed.
18:56 🔗 lindalap That's how I interpret it.
18:56 🔗 lindalap Matrix changed stuff.
18:56 🔗 astrid does gdpr devolve responsibility onto everyone, or just businesses?
18:57 🔗 astrid because irc channels are rarely operated by businesses
18:57 🔗 lindalap Article 2 and 3
18:57 🔗 lindalap GDPR Compliance in Matrix https://matrix.org/blog/2018/05/08/gdpr-compliance-in-matrix/
18:57 🔗 astrid i guess you could interpret an irc channel to be a "unorganized business" if you wanted
18:57 🔗 astrid well, s/business/company/
18:57 🔗 astrid kind of a club
18:58 🔗 lindalap "This Regulation applies to the processing of personal data of data subjects who are in the Union by a controller or processor not established in the Union, where the processing activities are related to: the offering of goods or services, irrespective of whether a payment of the data subject is required, to such data subjects in the Union;"
18:58 🔗 lindalap "This Regulation does not apply to the processing of personal data: by a natural person in the course of a purely personal or household activity;"
18:59 🔗 tyzoid live communication via the internet is pretty much "service"
18:59 🔗 lindalap Mmhm.
18:59 🔗 tyzoid s/live/real-time/
18:59 🔗 lindalap I'm connected to an IRC network with password protection via a Tor hidden service. There's very little data for the session (WHOIS info, no WHOWAS), and it's just my best friend, so GDPR doesn't apply to use under household/purely personal rule.
19:01 🔗 lindalap XFS (XMPP) also took notes: https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/GDPR
19:02 🔗 lindalap Some IRC networks have a ChanServ (?) feature to display last X messages from the channel on join. I think it might be bad for GDPR erasure, for people who didn't receive the message in first place.
19:03 🔗 lindalap These are the changes they did in Synapse 0.30.0 homeserver in Matrix for GDPR: https://matrix.org/blog/2018/05/24/synapse-0-30-0-released-today/
19:05 🔗 tyzoid lindalap: IIRC that still fails gdpr.
19:05 🔗 tyzoid From what I remember, you can't conditionally offer service upon acceptance or denial of consent
19:06 🔗 lindalap GDPR privacy policies should tell you what the consequences are if no personal data is provided.
19:06 🔗 lindalap e.g., not being able to offer the service
19:06 🔗 lindalap Article 13(2)(e)
19:11 🔗 lindalap Few days ago, I drafted what data IRC networks may have or process and it's surprisingly a lot. https://paste.debian.net/plainh/a653a7ff
19:13 🔗 lindalap Incomplete.
19:52 🔗 wp494 has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
19:52 🔗 wp494 has joined #archiveteam-ot
19:53 🔗 svchfoo1 sets mode: +o wp494
22:16 🔗 martini has joined #archiveteam-ot
22:22 🔗 JAA Oh damn. I'm reading about the implications of the GDPR on the domain WHOIS data right now.
22:23 🔗 JAA I love the part where ICANN wrote to the European Data Protection Authorities asking for a moratorium on WHOIS data, and the reply was essentially "lolno".
22:31 🔗 martini has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
23:01 🔗 schbirid has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
23:08 🔗 hook54321 JAA: In simple English, what information will no longer be available in WHOIS records? And how will this effect services that let people see historical WHOIS data?
23:14 🔗 fie has joined #archiveteam-ot
23:20 🔗 JAA hook54321: I have no idea. The situation seems really messy at the moment.
23:27 🔗 JAA hook54321: "When the Temporary Specification goes into effect on 25 May 2018, the WHOIS system will remain available, though there will be some changes. Registry Operators and Registrars are still required to collect all registration data. If Internet users submit a WHOIS query, at a minimum the user will receive "thin" data in return, including technical data sufficient to identify the sponsoring
23:27 🔗 JAA Registrar, status of the registration, and creation and expiration dates for each registration. Additionally, the user will have access to an anonymized email address or a web form to facilitate email communication with the relevant contact (e.g. registrant, administrative, technical contacts)."
23:27 🔗 JAA From https://www.icann.org/resources/board-material/resolutions-2018-05-17-en
23:35 🔗 hook54321 hmm
23:36 🔗 hook54321 So essentially we'll find out tomorrow when we check what's gone?
23:36 🔗 JAA Yeah, probably.
23:36 🔗 JAA And I'm still not sure who will have access to the data exactly.
23:37 🔗 JAA They wanted to give access to all kinds of people, including intellectual property lawyers etc.
23:37 🔗 hook54321 I wonder how this will affect the Internet Archive.
23:37 🔗 JAA See #internetarchive
23:38 🔗 hook54321 ah
23:44 🔗 hook54321 If someone wanted to attempt to test the enforceability of this then going after a big group like the Internet Archive is certainly one way to do it
23:58 🔗 astrid going after the internet archive is a good way to make enemies quick
