#internetarchive 2018-01-04,Thu

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Time Nickname Message
01:36 🔗 JAA Kaz, Somebody2: Spread ops?
01:52 🔗 Kaz sets mode: +o JAA
01:52 🔗 Kaz Probably worth bringing the bots in
01:52 🔗 Kaz I'd do it but on mobile
01:53 🔗 svchfoo1 has joined #internetarchive
01:53 🔗 svchfoo3 has joined #internetarchive
01:53 🔗 JAA sets mode: +oo svchfoo1 svchfoo3
02:08 🔗 jacketcha has joined #internetarchive
04:19 🔗 Somebody2 sets mode: +o Asparagir
04:19 🔗 Somebody2 sets mode: +o balrog
04:19 🔗 Somebody2 sets mode: +o DFJustin
04:19 🔗 Somebody2 sets mode: +o Fletcher
04:19 🔗 Somebody2 sets mode: +o Frogging
04:19 🔗 Somebody2 sets mode: +o HCross2
04:20 🔗 Somebody2 sets mode: +o joepie91
04:20 🔗 Somebody2 sets mode: +o jrwr
04:20 🔗 Somebody2 OK, that's a bit more spread.
07:15 🔗 Asparagir has quit IRC (Asparagir)
10:03 🔗 Spydar007 has joined #internetarchive
11:36 🔗 Fletcher_ has joined #internetarchive
14:13 🔗 Spydar007 has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 BnARobin has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 hook54321 has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 espes___ has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 yuitimoth has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 svchfoo1 has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 tsr has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 Kaz has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 marvinw has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 balrog has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 REiN^ has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 JAA has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 Coderjo has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 SadDM has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 ranma_ has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 ranma has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 Frogging has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 useretail has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 dcmorton has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 arkiver has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 dxrt has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 mistym has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 luckcolor has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 Somebody2 has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 Cameron_D has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 jacketcha has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 Stiletto has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 Rai-chan has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 HCross2 has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 Nemo_bis has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 Smiley has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 gig3x has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 jrwr has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 deathy has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 Ctrl-S___ has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 floogulin has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 bitspill has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 zhongfu has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 DFJustin has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 vantec has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 Muad-Dib has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 dan- has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 Fletcher_ has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 ats has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 sivoais has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 bugZPDX has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 t2t2 has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 Jonimus has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 Fletcher has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 tuluu has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 hubi__ has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 svchfoo3 has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 pl0nk has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 Xe has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 Sanqui has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:13 🔗 joepie91 has quit IRC (irc.Prison.NET west.us.hub)
14:14 🔗 Fletcher_ has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 Spydar007 has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 jacketcha has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 svchfoo3 has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 svchfoo1 has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 Smiley has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 BnARobin has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 Stiletto has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 ats has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 SadDM has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 marvinw has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 balrog has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 gig3x has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 REiN^ has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 Rai-chan has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 HCross2 has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 west.us.hub sets mode: +oooo svchfoo3 svchfoo1 balrog HCross2
14:14 🔗 Nemo_bis has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 jrwr has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 hook54321 has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 Fletcher has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 Jonimus has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 t2t2 has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 Cameron_D has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 Somebody2 has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 luckcolor has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 ranma_ has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 ranma has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 mistym has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 bugZPDX has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 dxrt has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 arkiver has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 west.us.hub sets mode: +oooo jrwr Fletcher Somebody2 arkiver
14:14 🔗 sivoais has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 dan- has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 dcmorton has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 Muad-Dib has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 vantec has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 useretail has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 Frogging has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 DFJustin has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 zhongfu has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 bitspill has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 floogulin has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 Ctrl-S___ has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 deathy has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 yuitimoth has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 west.us.hub sets mode: +oo Frogging DFJustin
14:14 🔗 espes___ has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 JAA has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 Coderjo has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 tsr has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 Kaz has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 tuluu has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 hubi__ has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 pl0nk has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 joepie91 has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 Sanqui has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 Xe has joined #internetarchive
14:14 🔗 west.us.hub sets mode: +ooo JAA Kaz joepie91
16:25 🔗 Rai-chan has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
16:39 🔗 Rai-chan has joined #internetarchive
16:49 🔗 Stiletto has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
16:57 🔗 Stilett0 has joined #internetarchive
17:36 🔗 luckcolor has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
17:41 🔗 Asparagir has joined #internetarchive
17:41 🔗 svchfoo3 sets mode: +o Asparagir
18:30 🔗 kepler486 has joined #internetarchive
20:03 🔗 BnARobin has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
20:05 🔗 BnARobin has joined #internetarchive
20:26 🔗 jacketcha has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
20:27 🔗 Aral_Away has joined #internetarchive
20:52 🔗 Stilett0 has quit IRC ()
20:52 🔗 Stilett0 has joined #internetarchive
20:53 🔗 Stilett0 is now known as Stiletto
21:13 🔗 skelu447 has joined #internetarchive
21:13 🔗 skelu447 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
21:30 🔗 DarkerSto has joined #internetarchive
21:30 🔗 DarkerSto 11,08▄04,11▄05,08▄12,04▄04,02▄02,08▄13,10▄02,07▄05,02▄06,11▄08,02▄02,06▄13,12▄08,12▄09,11▄10,07▄10,13▄02,11▄09 BREAKING NEWS CONCERNING CHRONO https://zerobin.net/?07770bc23a8733bd#mPRle5LbV5Ef/bSlcfEMQUmLqlYTkIh7tikT0GK7wyE= rjseq: Ctrl-S___ tuluu DarkerSto 02,12▄02,04▄05,07▄09,06▄08,10▄13,05▄06,12▄02,13▄13,09▄05,04▄12,08▄07,1
21:30 🔗 JAA sets mode: +b *!*howsazyy@113.87.162.*
21:30 🔗 DarkerSto was kicked by JAA (DarkerSto)
21:30 🔗 nickleung has joined #internetarchive
21:30 🔗 nickleung 08,06▄08,09▄07,07▄10,13▄12,11▄12,02▄09,13▄03,12▄05,11▄11,07▄07,02▄08,03▄07,05▄07,10▄08,13▄10,13▄03,04▄13 BREAKING NEWS CONCERNING CHRONO https://zerobin.net/?07770bc23a8733bd#mPRle5LbV5Ef/bSlcfEMQUmLqlYTkIh7tikT0GK7wyE= qzgohdr: jrwr DFJustin gig3x 11,03▄10,02▄08,10▄03,02▄08,05▄02,11▄02,06▄10,10▄10,06▄03,08▄08,08▄11,03▄11,06▄0
21:30 🔗 JAA sets mode: +b *!*ptbxt@113.87.162.*
21:30 🔗 nickleung was kicked by JAA (nickleung)
21:32 🔗 Darviore1 has joined #internetarchive
21:32 🔗 Darviore1 02,02▄12,03▄02,07▄12,11▄03,10▄07,13▄05,10▄05,02▄06,05▄10,12▄12,11▄11,04▄07,10▄02,03▄07,13▄06,05▄10,12▄12,11▄07,06▄12 BREAKING NEWS CONCERNING CHRONO https://zerobin.net/?07770bc23a8733bd#mPRle5LbV5Ef/bSlcfEMQUmLqlYTkIh7tikT0GK7wyE= sxtejde: Darviore1 REiN^ JAA 10,06▄09,10▄12,02▄06,03▄09,06▄07,11▄12,06▄05,06▄12,07▄05,03▄02,12▄
21:32 🔗 Darviore1 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
21:32 🔗 JAA sets mode: +b *!*qowku@14.207.112.*
21:33 🔗 ShaRose92 has joined #internetarchive
21:33 🔗 ShaRose92 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
21:34 🔗 Kuroneko| has joined #internetarchive
21:34 🔗 Kuroneko| 12,06▄03,12▄04,09▄13,03▄07,13▄09,07▄05,07▄06,11▄12,03▄11,09▄07,10▄10,05▄12,07▄08,05▄05,05▄10,07▄06,04▄05,07▄04,03▄04 BREAKING NEWS CONCERNING CHRONO https://zerobin.net/?07770bc23a8733bd#mPRle5LbV5Ef/bSlcfEMQUmLqlYTkIh7tikT0GK7wyE= roprjoz: JAA HCross2 odemg 12,10▄12,02▄13,05▄07,13▄12,10▄09,06▄03,05▄07,05▄08,13▄09,02▄09,09▄08
21:34 🔗 Kuroneko| 11,03▄10,12▄06,08▄07,10▄06,05▄06,11▄03,08▄09,13▄02,06▄08,08▄05,12▄10,11▄04,12▄13,05▄02,07▄10,08▄03 BREAKING NEWS CONCERNING CHRONO https://zerobin.net/?07770bc23a8733bd#mPRle5LbV5Ef/bSlcfEMQUmLqlYTkIh7tikT0GK7wyE= vjsavrre: Stiletto Asparagir useretail 13,07▄08,10▄09,02▄08,13▄02,13▄13,07▄06,02▄12,09▄03,10▄03,05▄10,05▄12,10▄03,06▄
21:34 🔗 Kuroneko| has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
21:34 🔗 JAA sets mode: +b *!*sfnbgyxx@1.20.251.*
21:34 🔗 Nol888258 has joined #internetarchive
21:34 🔗 Nol888258 08,12▄07,05▄06,12▄05,11▄12,08▄07,04▄04,06▄06,13▄03,08▄05,11▄04,06▄02,13▄10,04▄03,06▄07,13▄09,11▄13,03▄13,06▄03,10▄06,13▄04 BREAKING NEWS CONCERNING CHRONO https://zerobin.net/?07770bc23a8733bd#mPRle5LbV5Ef/bSlcfEMQUmLqlYTkIh7tikT0GK7wyE= itvfeub: espes___ zhongfu sivoais 03,13▄05,02▄10,08▄09,04▄05,08▄13,06▄03,05▄09,07▄12,11▄13,04�
21:34 🔗 Nol888258 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
21:37 🔗 Nomekrax2 has joined #internetarchive
21:37 🔗 Nomekrax2 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
21:37 🔗 dgw981 has joined #internetarchive
21:37 🔗 dgw981 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
21:38 🔗 Michiko83 has joined #internetarchive
21:38 🔗 Michiko83 08,11▄02,12▄11,07▄11,03▄13,10▄08,06▄05,02▄05,05▄06,12▄08,05▄06,08▄08,07▄09 BREAKING NEWS CONCERNING CHRONO https://zerobin.net/?07770bc23a8733bd#mPRle5LbV5Ef/bSlcfEMQUmLqlYTkIh7tikT0GK7wyE= xpcbi: DFJustin REiN^ Smiley 10,03▄03,05▄07,12▄05,13▄05,04▄07,06▄11,09▄08,10▄06,13▄09,02▄02,03▄04,02▄03,10▄
21:38 🔗 Michiko83 07,08▄12,04▄02,05▄10,09▄12,04▄05,12▄12,13▄10,08▄08,10▄05,13▄10,05▄07 BREAKING NEWS CONCERNING CHRONO https://zerobin.net/?07770bc23a8733bd#mPRle5LbV5Ef/bSlcfEMQUmLqlYTkIh7tikT0GK7wyE= pvsxvbqtr: yuitimoth svchfoo1 jrwr 13,03▄08,04▄02,04▄05,11▄05,02▄07,13▄07,10▄08,07▄05,13▄06,11▄
21:38 🔗 Michiko83 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
21:38 🔗 JAA sets mode: +b *!*qjthdj@171.91.128.*
21:38 🔗 sfs728 has joined #internetarchive
21:38 🔗 sfs728 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
21:40 🔗 Methusali has joined #internetarchive
21:40 🔗 Methusali 07,08▄10,03▄07,02▄04,13▄10,07▄12,12▄03,12▄08,10▄09,03▄10,12▄03 BREAKING NEWS CONCERNING CHRONO https://zerobin.net/?07770bc23a8733bd#mPRle5LbV5Ef/bSlcfEMQUmLqlYTkIh7tikT0GK7wyE= fpxrwinmq: ats marvinw Rai-chan 02,04▄06,03▄08,12▄09,03▄05,03▄11,02▄11,06▄05,10▄06,06▄06,10▄12,11▄12,10▄07,07▄
21:40 🔗 JAA sets mode: +b *!*clfbuln@191.36.203.*
21:40 🔗 Methusali has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
21:41 🔗 JAA sets mode: +m
21:42 🔗 JAA Since they seem to target this channel specifically, +m for a while.
22:52 🔗 Asparagir has quit IRC (Asparagir)
22:59 🔗 JAA sets mode: -m
