What is this?

This is an index for browsing, searching, and auditing of archives created by ArchiveBot. These archives are hosted on the Internet Archive. This index is intended for use by archivists and researchers.

Why are some archives not in this index?

This index is not updated in real time. The index is updated every few hours. Records of archives will only show up after they have been archived, processed, and published on IA.

Records are cached and may not accurately reflect what is on IA. If something is not in this index, it is possible that the archive has been made private. This index only uses public data available from IA.

How to request to takedown an archive?

This index does not host the archives! The archives are hosted on the Internet Archive. Please do not email me requests to remove an archive. This index is provided for archivists and researchers to allow easier searching for archives created by ArchiveBot on IA.

If you want to request a takedown, please contact Internet Archive instead. Again, please do not email me removal requests. I do not work at IA, I have no access to modify these archives, and I have no authority to handle such requests.

How to report copyright or trademark infringement?

If you want to report copyright infringement, please see the above answer.

If you want to report trademark infringement, please see the above answer. Additionally, be aware that nominative fair use exists.