#archiveteam 2012-07-11,Wed

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Time Nickname Message
11:33 🔗 godane can anyone help me?
11:34 🔗 godane i need to resume uploading a file with s3
11:34 🔗 godane i don't know how and already upload 65.8% of it
11:49 🔗 godane i reuploading the dam file
11:49 🔗 godane you guys suck when your not here
11:49 🔗 godane and the stupid abouts3.txt doesn't tell how to resume a file at all
11:49 🔗 godane :-(
11:50 🔗 godane this is why people like me have to use gftp just be able to resume cause there is not easy s3 page
11:50 🔗 godane at least for resume a file
11:51 🔗 BlueMax poor boy
11:51 🔗 godane what was the fucking option?
11:52 🔗 godane i takes a hour for me to upload these files
12:01 🔗 SmileyG :( sry dude I have no idea what s3 even is :(
12:02 🔗 GLaDOS S3-like API he means.
12:06 🔗 SmileyG Is that the amazon storage thing?
12:06 🔗 godane i think so
12:06 🔗 godane its for archive.org
12:07 🔗 godane not all s3 features are in archive.org i think though
12:07 🔗 SmileyG Right.
12:46 🔗 godane finally got this uploaded: http://archive.org/details/GBTV_09_26_2011
12:47 🔗 SmileyG gratz.
12:51 🔗 godane i have over 200gb of gbtv
12:51 🔗 godane i need to get stuff up there
12:52 🔗 godane also the episodes i'm uploading are not on his site anymore
12:52 🔗 godane can't call me a pirate if it disappears from his paid service
13:18 🔗 omf_ godane, So you reuploaded the file again? You could have moved on to the next upload and waited until someone came around to answer you question. Uploads do not have to be sequential. Plus you did not even wait an hour for free help, talk about impatience.
13:19 🔗 godane omf_: do you know how to resume a file?
13:20 🔗 godane also i'm impatence cause i have over 200gb of data that need to get uploaded
13:20 🔗 omf_ have you checked the ia wiki
14:16 🔗 Schbirid planetphillip is back, anyone grabbing it already? otherwise i will do so now
14:16 🔗 BlueMax Go for it anyway man
14:17 🔗 BlueMax More copies the better
14:17 🔗 Schbirid it would be bad to hammer it
14:41 🔗 mistym Glad the guy's taking a more mature stance on it now.
14:43 🔗 godane uploaded: http://archive.org/details/GBTV_09_27_2011
14:46 🔗 godane uploaded: http://archive.org/details/GBTV_09_28_2011
14:47 🔗 godane this is sort of my 3rd remote backup
14:47 🔗 godane i have stuff on dvds and i'm puting everything on my ext hard drive so i can put them on bluray at some point
15:18 🔗 Nemo_bis godane: sometimes -C works (with curl)
15:18 🔗 Nemo_bis I think just -C or -C -
16:10 🔗 godane uploaded: http://archive.org/details/GBTV_09_29_2011
16:11 🔗 godane i also have glenn beck unelectable
16:11 🔗 godane its not for sale on glennbeck.com
16:12 🔗 godane which surprise me for a guy trying to sell stuff there
16:12 🔗 Nemo_bis maybe he was scared that someone could download it and upload to IA
16:13 🔗 godane dont think so
16:13 🔗 Nemo_bis :)
16:13 🔗 godane i have it though
16:14 🔗 godane he is doing his unelectable 2 tour though
16:19 🔗 omf_ Schbirid, you got a map of planetphillip yet? I want to start looking at pre-emtive ways to keep updated
16:19 🔗 Schbirid omf_: nope, i would just do a one time wget mirror
16:19 🔗 Schbirid i have enough projects
16:19 🔗 Schbirid :(
16:21 🔗 omf_ Schbirid, So you are downloading it already. I can build a map no problem once you are done
16:21 🔗 omf_ http://www.planetphillip.com/posts/so-long-and-thanks-for-all-the-fish/ - talk about a load of bs. Most of these maps cannot be found other places
16:22 🔗 omf_ Fileplanet is almost gone and all the old school major fan sites are gone
16:33 🔗 Schbirid oh dear http://www.planetphillip.com/robots.txt
16:33 🔗 Schbirid i am running wget now
16:41 🔗 Schbirid dammit, i need to get my robots.txt archive into a nice db
16:45 🔗 Schbirid trying with "wget -m -a planetphillip.com_20120711.log -nv --adjust-extension --convert-links --page-requisites --content-disposition --warc-file=planetphillip.com_20120711
16:45 🔗 Schbirid i forgot content disposition earlier .(
17:04 🔗 omf_ Schbirid, you collect robots.txt files?
17:04 🔗 Schbirid yeah, one year and counting
17:04 🔗 Schbirid the top 10000 from alexa or something
17:05 🔗 omf_ is it going to be uploaded to IA?
17:05 🔗 Schbirid hopefully
17:05 🔗 omf_ cool
17:28 🔗 nitro2k01 Is there an AT group that collects historical DNS records?
17:29 🔗 Nemo_bis nitro2k01: never heard such a thing
17:29 🔗 Nemo_bis worth creating a page or something on the wii
17:29 🔗 Nemo_bis *wiki
17:31 🔗 arkhive Is anyone interested in writing a script for a distributed download all of klik.me / face.com before they close on July 20th
17:31 🔗 arkhive I am not experienced enough to write one that works with trackers.
17:36 🔗 arkhive here is this http://pastebin.com/5xXsBJ76 But that doesn't work with trackers. Also, the links are 5 characters following the klik.me domain...and they are upper lower alpha numeric. 62^5 combinations.
17:38 🔗 arkhive example http://klik.me/Q6Poe
17:39 🔗 Schbirid 900million, phew
17:40 🔗 arkhive You interested? I can dedicate 20Mb of my bandwidth for this.
17:41 🔗 Schbirid i cant help you, no idea myself :(
17:41 🔗 Schbirid but 100mbit/s and lots of space ready
17:42 🔗 arkhive damn... The highest I get at my house is 20Mb down 900Kb up from CenturyLink.
17:42 🔗 arkhive And they said they are not planning on bringing higher speeds to my area for atleast 6 months
17:43 🔗 Schbirid oh, not at home. at a server on the other side of the world :}
18:47 🔗 omf_ my home peaks at 8MB down 900kb up. I am looking into alternative methods for getting things from other sites into IA
18:48 🔗 omf_ I used to have 30 mb :(
19:30 🔗 chronomex omf_: I think you can mail physical media to IA, they'll upload & mail it back
20:14 🔗 omf_ chronomex, that will solve the hundreds of gigs I have hear but not the rest I still need to download. IA does not support FXP as far as I know. I am still learning about how the IA operates as a whole.
20:25 🔗 chronomex hmm ok
20:25 🔗 chronomex if you talk to underscor I think he might be able to help you out there
20:25 🔗 chronomex not sure who is in charge of giving out accounts on the machine we have at IA
20:43 🔗 underscor That would be SketchCow, probably
20:44 🔗 underscor I have boxes, but they're internal things that I can't give outside users on
20:59 🔗 chronomex ok
21:01 🔗 SketchCow WHat what
21:45 🔗 underscor SketchCow: omf_ has some things to download directly into IA, afaik
