Logs of IRC Channels

For changes to this service, contact chfoo or chris.foo@gmail.com. Please don't force the bot to join a channel. Ask for a channel to be logged only if it is an important channel. Please don't change passwords to private channels without asking.

For access to password in private channels, please ask someone to send a private message to you (for trustworthy purposes since I can't monitor everyone's behavior). For password to the ArchiveTeam wiki, please don't bother searching for the password and don't say the password in public channels if you have the password already. Please consider etiquette, set a username, explain what you want to do on the wiki, and stick around so that we can know that you are not spammer. Someone will send a private message when they are available.

Some text may have gotten mangled during importing. Times are in UTC. Please feel free to script downloading copies of logs.

The chat logs are user generated content. The presence of links or mentions of a product or service on this website is not a personal endorsement or recommendation.

This page URL must not have a trailing slash. Go here if you have problems viewing logs. The homepage is https://archive.fart.website.

agrep has a timeout of 10 seconds and may not return all search results.

Yes, I am aware this irc logger isn't very good, but it works decently enough.

Your IP address is not logged in the chat logs except in the case of kicks or bans (or other IRC status messages which includes IP addresses as part of its message).

For Hackint logs, see https://hackint.logs.kiska.pw/.

🔏 indicates password-protected logs.
